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Differentiate wakeup due to sleep interval vs button press

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:27 pm
by sayanee
I have an ESP8266, ESP-12F modules that is in deep sleep mode.

It wakes up every 6 hours to read the humidity sensor, display it on LED and then post to IFTTT. Because it is every 6 hours, it actually wakes up every hour to check an EEPROM stored counter to see if the 6 hour has elapsed. Otherwise, it will increase or reset the EEPROM counter accordingly.

I also want the user to press a button to wake up the ESP, read the humidity sensor, display it on the LED and send to IFTTT even if the 6 hours have not elapsed.

Is there a way to differentiate wakeup due to sleep interval vs a button press reset? In both cases the reset reason is 5.

I'm open to both hardware and firmware solutions.