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Infra-red decode & Transmit

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 7:14 am
by ZeSawyer

Got a simple project. Decode an IR remote for 2 AC's, Daikin FTKC (split) and FFR10CV1 (Cassette). Then re-transmit the signal with an ESP8266.
Managed to control the split unit, but failed at the Cassette. Here are the steps & results:

1. Use an IR receiver to decode the remote signal, all AC's share 1 remote controller.
2. Copy the raw data (uint32_t rawData[131] = {4500,2450, 400,350...).
3. Transmit the obtained data by the command: irsend.sendRaw(rawData, 131, 38).

The split AC responded quite well. The cassette AC, however, did not. I tried to send the command at each frequency from 25 to 45Khz but it's not responding.

- Any suggestions to what I might be doing wrong?
- If my circuit (as attached in the picture) works well with the split AC, should it work with any other devices as well? Or my hardware might be causing the problem?

Thanks :)

Re: Infra-red decode & Transmit

PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 8:27 pm
by ZeSawyer
The IR LED is Vishay high power LED, which is why it could go up to 200mA with no issues.
I put an IR receiver and noticed some loss on the command sent, not sure whats causing it yet