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By perigalacticon
#73184 So for example a typical sketch has 6 libraries:
Code: Select all#include "FastLED.h"
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
and compiles to 280kB, and memory use is 36kB.

Uploading OTA at 921600 baud takes about 5 seconds. Uploading via FTDI at 115200 baud takes 45 seconds. During compiling, with no other programs running or sketches open, the CPU is around 50%, and ram is 2GB/8. The long compile only happens when there is any change to the sketch.
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By schufti
#73186 I do the compiling on an old hp notebook with CoreDuo T2300, 2GB and 40GB hd (so "stone age" compared to your system).

A fresh compile of an empty sketch takes over one minute the next compile 10s.
A fresh compile for a larger setch (WiFi, TouchGraphics, EEPROM, timefunctions etc) takes 1'30" and 27" for any following compile.

So what? That's what it takes ... it keeps you from solving problems by "trial and error", enforces thinking and analyzing instead.
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By rudy
perigalacticon wrote:I'm trying to design and set up holiday displays where you need to see the effect of changes, so it is tiresome for me.

Why not take the data out of your code. Put it is SPIFFS. Upload a new data file with an up-loader web page.