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By caquino
#16904 Hi,

Sorry about the basic questions, but I'm trying to replicate your setup but I have some questions.

- Which GPIOs are you using on the ESP8266? PWR ON = RST?
- The GPIO used for BTN is pulled up or down?
- How BSH111 (GSD) is connected?

As far as I understood the functionality is the following:
- Button press pulses PWR ON down and pulls BTN down while the button is pressed

Have I understood the functionality correctly?

Sorry about asking but could you please post more information about the circuit and the code that you use.

Thanks in advance!
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By j0hncc
Sprite_tm wrote:
The button schematic basically is this:
The IRLM is the main switch and when the button is pressed, the gate of it will be pulled down through the diode (which is some kind of schottky - I forgot which, but it probably doesn't matter) and gives power to the ESP. The 'power on' line is a GPIO which does have a pull-up that's already enabled in the boot ROM of the ESP - I think it's GPIO2. This will turn on the BSH111, which will keep the power flowing. Because of the diode, when the button is released the BTN input of the ESP will get high as soon as the button is released, which is how I can detect if the button is pressed only once or is kept pressed. I can also detect a new button press to cancel whatever's going on and go back to sleep.

Hello Sprite_tm, I am very interested in this circuit, please let us know when you get it working!

The IRLM is IRLM6402, right? (couldn't quite make it out on the drawing).

On the BSH111, the source is to ground, correct?

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By j0hncc
#17282 Saw this teardown article via

A comment says
At the heart of the Dash is a USI (Avnet) 850101. The 850101 is a combination wireless module (Broadcom BCM43362) and micro controller (ST Microelectronics STM32F205). This makes the Dash capable of connecting to 802.11 b/g/n networks with its 120MHz ARM Cortex-M3 processor. It also happens to be exactly the same chip used inside the $19 Spark Photon.