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AT+CIPSNTPCFG Daylight Saving Time not working for me

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:41 pm
by Breixo
Hello everyone. I use an ESP8266 to update the date and time of a radiant floor control. I use a simple line of code:
Code: Select allESP01.println("AT+CIPSNTPCFG=1,2,\"es.pool.ntp.org\"");
Everything was working perfectly until the arrival of the Daylight Saving Time. I have used several methods (and their multiple variants) but without the expected result:
Code: Select allESP01.println("AT+CIPSNTPCFG=1/3600,2*3600,\"es.pool.ntp.org\"");
Code: Select allESP01.println("AT+CIPSNTPCFG=CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3\"es.pool.ntp.org\"");

I would appreciate your help, be it a simple line, be it a link. Thanks and regards.