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By cal
#22369 You seem to be persistent on this.. ;-)

If you want to go down the debugger route you may want to try out how promiscous blinky is:


Adding some test code to the blinky example,
Code: Select allgdb_breakpoint()

in your callback and then connecting and executing
Code: Select allbt
in gdb should give you a real stack trace.

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By cnlohr
#22432 For the sake of completeness, though I haven't actually gotten further than I did before, Cal, thank you for suggesting objdump -D, it in fact got a lot further than ScratchABit did. Then, by finding the start of the next unnamed function in there, I could go back to ScratchABit and press 'c' on the line I knew the function started on and blamo, it reanalyzed and got me a function :).

However, after digging further and further, it appears to be much more complicated than I expected. It appears the function that calls the RX function is some sort of magic dispatcher with tendrils going into things as far as ppProcessTxQ! Perhaps it's some sort of interrupt handler?

Then, on the other side wdev_go_sniffer() is a huuuuge mess of confusion with boatloads of undocumented symbols, registers, etc.

/me cries

*EDIT* Just noticed that function is passed a parameter, which is what determines what it does. [super cries]