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By Flyer1560
#46035 Hello Eriksl,

first of all I would like to thank you for you're firmware. I try to make the firmware work on my ESP-03. I can flash the files with the "make flash" command and the "make default-config" command. But when I try to make a telnet connection and type help, I receive "> empty command". All the other commands also reply the same. Did I something wrong during the make or is there something else?

I read a couple of post ago that there is no AP mode available. Will there be a AP mode in the future? Am I able to enable the AP mode in the source code?

regards Henry
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By eriksl
#46041 That is interesting, I cannot explain it directly. Can you control what is sent as line-endings? Maybe you're only sending CR or only LF? Or does the line start with CR or LF? "Empty command" means exactly that, an empty string was received. If you get this far, you certainly managed to configure the wlan parameters and get an IP address!

I have no intention to add AP mode, but if someone would supply a clean patch, I would certainly consider applying it. Myself I have no use whatsoever for an AP mode, honestly.
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By luca.gamma
#46672 Thanks Erik for sharing this bridge to the community. I'm working on it since a couple of days to try to detach some cables from an high-speed acquisition device (would like to use the UART bridge at full speed, i.e. 1Mbit). So far I'm stucked in some strange behaviours on a Adafruit HUZZAH (ESP-12), I mounted the same ESP-12 on my acquisition device.

The first one (not really a big problem) is the timeout on the telnet control port (24), I have to reconnect each 30 seconds if no inputs given. On the countrary, the bridge port (23) can't be released, I have to kill the telnet process.

The second is problem I'm facing on is on the UART bridge, using with default configuration (i.e. 115200, 8N1). I open a terminal (minicom) to the UART and another terminal running telnet IP 23. After some garbage on the minicom terminal I can write some chars on the telnet session and see them in minicom after hitting ENTER. Well, on the other way, typing a char in minicom this will instantly appear in the telnet session but, typing a second char in minicom I see in telnet new char prepended by the previous char(s):

Code: Select alltelent      -> minicom

abc[ENTER]  -> abc_

minicom     -> telnet

a           -> a_
b           -> ab_
c           -> abc_
^J          -> abc
d           -> abc
an so on...

Is there anything that I may misunderstood? I'm running the firmware compiled from my-self from github. Does anyone have the same problem? Thanks.
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By eriksl
#46704 Issue #1, that's all intentional. I may add a customisable timeout on both in the future, would that suit you? At the moment I am working on driving LCD's over i2c from the same firmware, which is working, but not completely to my liking, so I'll finish that first.

Issue #2, can't it be that your telnet client only sends line feed (^J, 10) and no carriage return (^M, 13)? Can you explicitly enable combined mode, and see what happens? Or type them manually?