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By RogerClark
#28570 Have you read the thread?

AC = Mains in this case i.e 220- 240V or US 110 or perhaps Japan 90V
DC = 3.3 V or 5V depending on your requirement

There are loads of commercial options, some of which have already been posted
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By Barnabybear
RogerClark wrote:Have you read the thread?

AC = Mains in this case i.e 220- 240V or US 110 or perhaps Japan 90V
DC = 3.3 V or 5V depending on your requirement

There are loads of commercial options, some of which have already been posted


As a note to people reading this post in the UK or somewhere that has 230 / 240 volt supply.
If you don't understand why the measurement “6.3mm” is an important consideration, then I recommend that you purchase an "off the shelf" supply that meets your requirements rather than modifying something.

Also ensure that you use an RCD device. Have fun but stay alive.

(For those who know want the 6.3mm is for. I know this is governed by many factors which can be picked up in a new thread if required).
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By cmskipsey
#35781 I'm looking for this too! Plenty of resources for controlling HV switches via relay, but not much on how to power the ESP8266 itself from HV. Could use a power supply and adapter, but that's a bit clunky