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By Kobi
#26556 Hi there,

I connected the esp8266 module to the computer via usb to rs232 cable.
I also gave a supply of 3.3V and connected the chip with the right connections (tx --> rx, rx---> tx, gnd --> gnd, vcc & gpio0 -->vcc)
I tried to send AT commands through putty (at 9600 baud rate) but I see a blank screen (I cant communicate with it).
I see red and blue led turning on constantly. What can be the problem ? the wiring is OK (checked it 10000 times)

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By laz7591
#27711 Hi,
I have similar problem with my ESP-01. However I could flash new firmware - so it works, but after flashing I can't get Ready for AT commands.
I have tried several baud variations, 2 stop bits, CR/LS combinations.
Any glue?