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By martinayotte
#26986 Many of your maybe remember my post of 2 months ago where I've stated that I had random/inconstant recording on an IR receiver ...
This investigation task has been put on selves since awhile, I've un-dusted it last few days.
Putting a oscilloscope on the IR Receiver , I saw some spikes to LOW, even without IR activities, especially on RESET.
Adding PullUp didn't help. Looking the specs of IR838 or VS838, the sensor is supposed to be working as low a 2.5V.
So, I've decide to add a diode and 100uF cap to separate it from the ESP VCC.
Bingo ! No more random/inconstant spikes !
ESP is rely a VCC Power gourmant !!! :D
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By gerardwr
#26996 Nice tip!

I have a sketch that receives (interrupt driven) data from a cheap 433Mhz RF receiver.

Running on a "real" Arduino the data is read consistently, but when I run the sketch on the ESP data is less reliable.

I thought it may be caused by inaccuracy in the mills() result, but maybe it's the power supply.

Will give it a try.

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By buzzy
martinayotte wrote:Many of your maybe remember my post of 2 months ago where I've stated that I had random/inconstant recording on an IR receiver ...
This investigation task has been put on selves since awhile, I've un-dusted it last few days.
Putting a oscilloscope on the IR Receiver , I saw some spikes to LOW, even without IR activities, especially on RESET.
Adding PullUp didn't help. Looking the specs of IR838 or VS838, the sensor is supposed to be working as low a 2.5V.
So, I've decide to add a diode and 100uF cap to separate it from the ESP VCC.
Bingo ! No more random/inconstant spikes !
ESP is rely a VCC Power gourmant !!! :D

Sorry for the newbie reply, but would you mind explaining a bit more how you connected the diode and capacitor? I just want to be sure you are talking about the 3.3v VCC or the OUTPUT pin on the ESP. Thanks!
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By QuickFix
buzzy wrote:explaining a bit more how you connected the diode and capacitor?

I assume:
  • Anode of diode to VCC of ESP
  • Cathode of diode to VCC of IR receiver
  • Positive of capacitor to VCC of IR receiver
  • Negative of capacitor to GND of IR receiver
(Sorry, not able to draw up some nice picture at the moment). :oops: