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By julian-w
#27923 Hello,

I would like to try out some stuff with the ESP8266 12-E. But my first problem ist to find out the minimum wiring. So I wrote a little schematic myself. It would be nice if somebody could tell me if everything is fine or could me give some hints how to improve the schematic :D Of course, in the final version I will add some 100nF capacitor for better power supply.

With this schematic, I can freely use the GPIOs 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 and 16, the ADC, the SPI-Interface (MISO, MOSI, SCLK) and CS0, right? For example, to add some DHT22, DS18B20 and stuff like this.

Best regards
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By kenn
julian-w wrote:Here you can see my current version.

My test board is pretty much like that, with some added capacitors across the power at the ESP. I've seen a few test board schematics use something like a 470 ohm resistor to connect GPIO16 to RST ... don't know why, other than to protect the GPIO16 pin in case it's an output and high when the reset button is pressed.