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By enpolig
#28968 I don't know, why it is happening. Connection is exactly correct(esp tx-arduino tx, esp rx-arduino rx, arduino gnd-esp gnd, 3.3v(external, not from arduino)-esp vcc, gnd-esp gnd, esp ch_pd-esp vcc), but esp doesn't reply. I used coolterm, termite and even arduino serial monitor. Arduino is using by usb-ttl conve1rter
When esp and arduino is on and i sending some commands to esp, nothing happening. Okay, i turn off and turn on esp. Blue light starts blinking and in terminal i get something like this:
[System Ready,]
[System Ready,]
[System Ready,]
[System Ready,]
[System Ready,]
[System Ready,]
[System Ready,]

I can recieve data from esp, but cannot send commands.
To fix this, i turn off arduino and esp, then turn on esp first and arduino second. Still cannot send commands.
I want to flash esp, but even not able to connect esp through xtcom_util.
My connection to flash is:
esp tx - arduino rx
esp rx - arduino tx
esp gnd - arduino gnd
ch_pd - esp vcc
gpio_0 - esp gnd
(esp is powered by external 3.3v 0.7a)
Help, please
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By Backbone
#29147 Wrong baudrates?
I struggled with that too to get correct data from the ESP as first start.
With Original file in the modul I first started with Coolterm to get AT commands working.
Use 9600 or 115200 baudrates.
115200 was the ticket for me.
I also set USB/232 converter on this speed.
Then in Arduino 1.6.5 IDE I send digital one sec blink skecth example first.
Added some serial.prints commands in the skecth to see if serial monitor in IDE worked.
You can set serial.begin(9600); and use this too in the serial monitor as speed regardless the modul works with uploading on 115200.

Hope this helps.
