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By Oszkár Leopold
#29659 Hello guys!

I bought my esp8266-03 and an FT232RL USB To Serial Adapter almost a year ago from e-bay, and a few days ago I decided to start tinkering with them.

However I couldn't even get the most simple stuff out of the esp8266-03.
I have tried many different variations with the GPIOs being LOW/HIGH, (Since I read many different solutions) nothing seems to be working. I have a seperate power supply for the esp, that has more than enough juice to power it. I tried flashing with different software (eg. esp_flasher) and while I have a connection with my COM port, the flashing of the device doesn't even start at all.

Here is the interesting bit: When I power up the esp in normal operation mode and I use the Arduino IDE's serial monitor and send any commands, I get the message back: "NON-GENUINE DEVICE FOUND".

So far I have found that my FT232RL was bricked by windows 7, so I followed a tutorial that let me unbrick it with Mprog3.5, the device seems to be working perfectly, yet I still get the same message.

It only happens when:
- The esp8266-03 is wired up with the FT232
- TXD and RXD are wired up correctly
- esp8266-03 is started in normal operation mode

I also see the RXD led flashing on the FT232, so I kind of figure that my esp is not completely broken, it communicates something at least...

Any kind of help/feedback would be incredibly appreciated!
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By kolban
#29660 Maybe post a diagram/schematic of how you have wired up your ESP and USB->UART and power. Also show what pins are grounded, floating or pulled-up. If you can't build a schematic, take some detailed photos and post those. I'd also suggest trying a serial terminal software tool such as "putty" instead of the Arduino IDE. Since there is no Arduino in the story, that will likely confuse things at this early stage.
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By Oszkár Leopold
kolban wrote:Maybe post a diagram/schematic of how you have wired up your ESP and USB->UART and power. Also show what pins are grounded, floating or pulled-up. If you can't build a schematic, take some detailed photos and post those. I'd also suggest trying a serial terminal software tool such as "putty" instead of the Arduino IDE. Since there is no Arduino in the story, that will likely confuse things at this early stage.

I gave it a go with PUTTY, and it gives me the same result, every time I press a button a piece of the text "NON-GENUINE DEVICE FOUND" starts printing out, and every time I see both TXD and RXD leds light up on my USB-SERIAL device.

My wiring is the following for when I try to flash the module except I use a separate 3.3 V power supply for the esp8266, and not a regulator. The power supply, the esp module, and the USB-SERIAL device all share a common GND.

I also tried the same setup with GPIO2 floating.
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By martinayotte
#29664 From what I understood from what other people said about "NON-GENUINE DEVICE FOUND", it is the USB-TTL Serial which is a chinese clone of the original FTDI, and the Windows driver refuse to let you use it.
Either you change your USB-TTL Serial, or you using the clone one but on Linux platform.