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By parmar7725274
#30863 Hi ALL !!

I have two ESP modules. ESP - 01 and ESP 12q. I configured both of modules as follows :

ESP - 01 : mac address - 18:fe:34:9e:18:21
- set mode - STATION
- set role - CONTROLLER ( 1 )
- registered send and receive callback
- Add peer ESP-12q (mac - 5c:cf:7f:00:da:1d ) , role - SLAVE ( 02 ), channel - 1

ESP - 12 : mac address - 5c:cf:7f:00:da:1d
- set mode - STATION+AP
- set role - SLAVE ( 2 )
- registered send and receive callback
- add peer ESP-01 (mac - 18:fe:34:9e:18:21 ), role - CONTROLLER( 1 ), channel - 1

I check the return value of each function call and I get success.

Problem :-
When I'm sending packet from ESP - 01 using esp_now_send function. I'm getting success and send call back is getting called but on other end( ESP - 12q ) doesn't receive any packet.

Please help me to solve this.

Thanks & Regards,
Prakash P.