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Hardware SPI design assistance - Espruino Project

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:25 am
by kolban
Howdy chums,
The Espruino (JavaScript) on ESP8266 project is looking for someone who understands the APIs and techniques to use hardware SPI on the ESP8266. The project has software SPI working fine but can't understand the hardware SPI docs. There is a Github issue that can be found here ...


If you understand hardware SPI on ESP8266 and would be willing to contribute some comments and thoughts on how to use the API, please feel free to make yourself known by posting in the Issue, the Espruino gitter room (https://gitter.im/espruino/Espruino) or by sending me a private message ...

Don't worry if you don't know anything about Espruino (or care about it) ... our need is to understand SPI hardware support and if you can provide assistance, we'll pay it back by also writing the recipes down for others to follow.