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Interfacing ESP8266 with Arduino Uno using Texas YE08 level

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:44 am
by sushma
I want to display Current time reading it from internet. So, I decided to use ESP8266 WiFi chip to fetch current time from internet. I tried to interface ESP8266 with Arduino Uno using a Texas YE08 level shifter. Connections are as follows:
Arduino Level shifter ESP8266
Rx B1 Tx
Tx B2 Rx
CH_PD ----- 3.3V
Vcc ---- 3.3V
RESET ----3.3V
Vcc ---- 3.3V
Gnd ---- Gnd
But I am unabel to read or transmit data from or to ESP8266 respectively
How can I achieve transmission of data using ESP8266?

Re: Interfacing ESP8266 with Arduino Uno using Texas YE08 le

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:17 am
by Spafin
Are you using the same baudrate in both the Arduino and the ESP8266? I assume you are using a ESP8266-01. Do you see the blue led blinking when Arduino is transmitting data to it?

I have never used a level shifter, so I don't know if it can be used in this case. You can also try to use two resistors to low the Arduino 5V TX to ESP8266 RX.

Re: Interfacing ESP8266 with Arduino Uno using Texas YE08 le

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:39 am
by sushma
How to read current time from internet using ESP8266? What are the AT commands used in reading current time from WiFi network to which it is connected?