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Problem with sending AT commands in esp-01

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:57 am
by arronar
Hello out there.

Just got an esp-01 module and followed [url="http://esp8266internetofthings.blogspot.gr/2015/10/how-to-flash-at-commands-firmware-in.html"]this[/url] guide to flash a new firmware.

Then, i connect the GPIO0 pin (after the flashing) to VCC using a 1K resistor and the RST pin to GND for a while to restart the module.

I used putty, arduino's IDE console window and ESPlorer to connect to the module. A text like this one
In Arduino IDE
"YΨώ�i΄όh">Ψ9 kDά~|’Τ¶’�>‚ΎXVHΤΘς²(2–6γ

In ESPlorer

Communication with MCU...
.........Got answer! AutoDetect firmware...

Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received.
YΒΦyωΨ2iΌ|%.ΘRμ‡&$`ΘV)Πψ,YµK`R\J0 ‚²jρ€Ζπ

and when i tried to send e.g AT command nothing happened.

Here is my pin connections for the normal mode:
TX - RX (USB to TTL)
RX - TX (USB to TTL)
CH_PD - VCC (3.3V) (Breadboard)
RST - VCC (3.3V) (Breadboard)
GPIO 0 - VCC (3.3V) (Breadboard)
GPIO 2 - VCC (3.3V) (Breadboard)
VCC - VCC (3.3V) (Breadboard)
GND - Ground (Breadboard)

Any idea or hint ?

Thank you.