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By Jptalon
#35608 Hello all, new here as I just received my first wemos d1 and thermocouple today.
I have to admit that i did not do my research and realize that 11 i/o pins are actually not free to use :oops:
I was able to quickly get the board up and running and set up as a webclient pass off the info I need to.
Now I need to get my info from the thermocouple.
The max6675k has 5 pins, grd, vcc, sck, cs, so.
Can anyone help me into the right direction from here?
I have been reading here for a few hours and seem to have more questions than I started with.
Also this thermocouple is a 5v model and will be needing to be reduced to 3.3 as I read, or need to be swapped out for another.