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Re: Simple TCP Connection Library for ESP8266 on Arduino

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:09 am
by eluisito
I connected de esp8266 and I setup it. I can see my point access but when I try to authenticate that always answer error. I tryed to setup the point access with several password and different kind of authentication.
Does anyone kwow what the problem is?

Re: Simple TCP Connection Library for ESP8266 on Arduino

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:06 am
by Zomer
Hey mate,

Could you let us know the exact AT commands you're using?

Re: Simple TCP Connection Library for ESP8266 on Arduino

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:04 am
by manoelribas
Akexorcist wrote:I've coding a library for ESP8266 on Arduino. I think It's will be useful for anyone who want to use this module with easy coding.

It's have only TCP Connection now. I didn't yet coding it to supported web server or http connection. (Soon) If you have any feedback about my library, please tell me :D

This library is include
• Open AP command (I forced it to WPA_WPA2_PSK authentication)
• Connect to Any AP command
• Open TCP Server and Client
• Send a message between modules
• Auto reconnect when connection isn't success
• Debugging with another serial port (If your board have more than 1 channel)


A sample project from this library (Thai language)


I tried to use your library to create a remote control system where I use 3 buttons to activated 9 relays, my ESP8266 (ESP01) is connected to an Arduino Uno board, both of them... But I'm not being successful using the TCP Simple Server and Client examples some times it only return RESET in the serial monitor and some times return NO CHANGE and BUSY, can you help me please?
I created a SoftwareSerial for the ESP so that i can keep using the Serial for debugging.
Thank you in advance.

