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Need help - not working

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:40 am
by Diablillowilly
Wifi 3click board: http://download.mikroe.com/documents/ad ... l-v100.pdf

I've got a ESP8266mod, which comes in a wifi click 3 board. After connecting it to m arduino following this guide:

http://iot-playground.com/blog/2-uncate ... connection

(Only the arduino tx to the wifi rx, because i receive data and transmit data, so i think i dont need the other two connections(reset and wifi tx to arduino rx))

The problem is this; i restart my wifi board, and it says ready, but when a send an AT command it answers strange things, I've set it in "Both NL & CR" and Baud to 9600, and my code is:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial esp8266(2,3); // make RX Arduino line is pin 2, make TX Arduino line is pin 3.
// This means that you need to connect the TX line from the esp to the Arduino's pin 2
// and the RX line from the esp to the Arduino's pin 3
void setup()
esp8266.begin(9600); // your esp's baud rate might be different

void loop()
if(esp8266.available()) // check if the esp is sending a message
// The esp has data so display its output to the serial window
char c = esp8266.read(); // read the next character.

// the following delay is required because otherwise the arduino will read the first letter of the command but not the rest
// In other words without the delay if you use AT+RST, for example, the Arduino will read the letter A send it, then read the rest and send it
// but we want to send everything at the same time.

String command="";

while(Serial.available()) // read the command character by character
// read one character
esp8266.println(command); // send the read character to the esp8266

Any idea of why this happens or how to fix it?