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By RichardS
#771 <rant>I really detest this "NEW" world of embedded bloat, every is complete overkill!!!!!!</rant>


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By M0ebius
#881 My research lead to the following steps:

1. modify esp firmware:
wait for magic byte combination
toggle reset pin of arduino via gpio
enable transparency mode (to feed programming bytes into arduino)
until timeout (or byte counter or magic byte combo)

2. use virtual comport from com0com, so it should work with arduino ide (magic byte = first header bytes?).
or (write a little tool to connect to esp, send the magic byte and the arduino hex file with Stk500 protocol.)

Did i miss something?
Or is there an easier way?

Somebody here, who could take care of part 1? I can do part 2!

edit: found com0com
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By M0ebius
#1833 I've managed to upload sketches via the Esp:

- adapted esp firmware connects to ap and listens on a predefined port after powerup
- on connect, it resets the arduino via GPIO00 to enable the bootloader and switches to full transparent mode.
- The hex file is uploaded with a little tool (not via com0com)