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By irmec
#70482 ### Basic Infos
i am writing a code that give weather forecast from website with HTTP request, and i want send to me this forecast in telegram. i use UniversalTelegramBot library to send message in telegram. so this code have to part:
1- give weather forecast from
2- send this forecast in telegram Bot
Each part work as well , but when i merge two part i give Exception (29) error :(
#### Hardware
Hardware: NodeMcu Lua WIFI Board Based on ESP8266 CP2102 Module (ESP-12E)
Core Version: I do not know!!!
because i flash my esp with ESP8266Flasher.exe
my setings in ESP8266Flasher is in this picture:

### Settings in IDE

Module: Adafruit HUZZAH esp8266
Flash Size: 4MB(3MB SPIFFS)
CPU Frequency: 80Mhz
Upload Using: SERIAL 115200

### Sketch

### Debug Messages