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By destroyedlolo
#71564 Hello,

I'm working on a project where I'm using different types of 1-wire chips : temperature, PIOs, ... I found some codes or libraries dealing which each of them, but not all of them. As a consequence, my applications uses different and non consistent APIs, with lot of duplications in generated target.

So, I decided to wrote my own one : OWBus.

Aims are :
  • to be open in order to make new probes inclusion easier
  • to have API consistent across probes
  • to be as most as possible POO to hide "the dirty work"
  • to avoid code duplication to make generated binaries as small as possible
  • to be fun :lol:

It's in early stages so only DS18B20 and DS28EA00 (including PIOs management) are known, and temperature management is fully operational (alarm is missing). But things are moving fast and I'll add DS2406/2408 soon.

Testers / Contributors are obviously welcome as well comments :)

