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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:09 am
by Jappie
Hi all,

This is my first post, so I will start with thanking everyone for such a great forum.
However, I have a question, or questions...not knowing where to start. I hope I'm in the correct topic, or even on the correct site. My apologies if not...

Anyway, Let me start with introducing my project.
I have an OpenTherm Gateway (http://otgw.tclcode.com/), of which I can control my thermostat and CV / boiler.
Now my goal is to have the OTGW integrated in my OpenHab environment. To achieve this, I believe I need an Arduino and a Wifi connection for it. That's the reason I've came across the ESP board.

It should work as follow, the OTGW is connected to the Arduino. So the Arduino can take care of filtering all input (I do not need 40 updates / minute. I only want to update when there are changes. When there is a change, the Arduino should "publish" the change by MQTT to the broker. The sending of the information shall be done with the ESP as a WiFi shield / addon for the Arduino.
And this is exactly where I get stuck. I can't seem to find a good tutorial of how to setup the ESP as a Wifi shield/addon (preferably able to talk MQTT) for an Arduino board from scratch.
My question now is, if someone is able to help me out from the very beginning.

thanks already for taking the time to read my post


Re: OTGW+Arduino+ESP2866

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:28 am
by eduperez
Bearing in mind that you can run Arduino sketches on the ESP, have you considered connecting the ESP directly to the OTGW?

Re: OTGW+Arduino+ESP2866

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:40 am
by Jappie
It did cross my mind however, I'm not able to determine if the code will be too large for the ESP.
"Problem" is that the OTGW is producing lots of output / minute. My intention is to keep an array with current values and check them against the incoming values before I send them via Wifi / MqTT. Otherwise my system will be floaded with way too many data, which is not relevant until it has changed.

I'm not familiar enough with ESP to know if this would be possible with only the ESP...

Thanks for the time replying!