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Esp12s and Android Art-Net Controller DMX App.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:01 am
by Roffey
Having found a nice Art-Net Controller app I thought I'd play with some Esp12's with it.
Still to clean it up, but it works very nicely.
I use a server mode to allow input of ssid, password and dmx start address. universe, although the universe is not used at present. (This server started out as a Blynk setup, local ip and auth code etc, but modified here).
I have it simply employed by pulling GPIO2 low within a second of resetting, not if wifi connect times out.

So, I have 02 as the pull down ap start (, 14 as a drive to WS2812, 12 and 13 as pwm ports, and when running 02 will be standard serial dmx frame output. I can drive a 485 chip from this line to have standard dmx output.

The Art-Net ( free and a paid for version ... couple of pounds) has a convenient fixture library, so in my case I am using an Acme Led panel for the ws2812's. Start add,+1,+2 are for the rgb, and +4, I use to store rgb into eeprom for start up colour if I want. ( The start address for each esp 'fixture' is set in the server mode)
Art-Net uses UDP as it's transfer protocol, and standard libraries are used for this, the WS2812 and DMX, so life is made a lot easier.
I mounted some switches and a single WS2812 on the esp. This helps setting up and testing. The Ws will work at 3V3 so thats ok. In fact I used this method when driving lengths of Ws's. I used a simple resistor ladder on the esp output as a pull up for the 5 volt strips. Works fine on all my strips.
gnd ...... 4K7 gpio14 .... 560 // 100pF... out to strip .... 1k2 ..5V.

If this is of interest to anyone, I put a few pages on a page I am starting to use for my own reference. (getting old, always think I will remember, until the moment of recall proves me wrong!). Got to sort a new vid, but I'll do that sometime.

http://www.esp12.deedave.co.uk shows pages of my module format and software etc.

The esp's were attached to my main ap, which has all sorts on, but even so, the response is very fast. Even faster when using a dedicated ap.