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By belloto
#42368 Hello all. Thanks for your help, and sorry for my english.

I have 2 NANO'S with 1 ESP-01 each. I want to build an Android APP that connect with the NANO board, send a message, and make that ESP-01 answer me.

I have done this, but with TCP, when a client connect with ESP, this one send me: "0, CONNECT", if I connect with another client, ESP send: "1, CONNECT". The number is the ID of client, I know. Now, if I want that ESP answer all devices, I have to program an array that say me what ID is connected, and send the answer only to those clients.

I want to see all my NANOS in my android APP, and send messages to all of them when I want, and the NANO board answer to all androids.

I suppose that I can do this with an UDP answer but, how can i do?

Maybe using a library, but I don't know if I can use any ESP library with NANO board.

And another question, how can I scan all my NANO+ESP devices in the network when I run the APP? I need that this be faster as possible.

Please, help me with this.
