Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By cal
#18098 Moin,

flash memory is contigoous (?).
Different parts are used for different purposes.
Thats why you flash the parts at different offsets. To make flashing easier you can combine the parts to
one file filling the gaps with some bytes maybe 0x00 or 0xff. I think its 0xff but didn't checked.
I guess esptool.py can generate a single file for you but didn't checked.

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By GeorgeIoak
#18102 But where can learn about the different offsets and when to use them? Even compiling this demo I'm left with a little head scratching since I know that the boot code goes into location 0x0 but then I see these files:

Code: Select all blank.bin

and wonder what's the difference