Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By nicoverduin
#2053 The error he is getting is caused by 2 missing libs names in the make file.

There should be a line starting with LIBS.

Add these 2 names at the end:
Code: Select allupgrade upgrade_ssl

That is how I got it to work with me.
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By scargill
#2278 I'm just not seeing this..

I grabbed MetalHeart's code - put it in a directory Espressif on C: drive... tried ..\..\make.exe and that came up with an error - so I then tried the modified MAKEFILE by MobyFab and all I'm getting now is...

The syntax of the command is incorrect..
make: *** [build/drive] Error 1

I note in the modified MAKEFILE there is a reference to


which I'm not seeing and yet all the files seem to be there....

Can someone explain how to get a working c:/espressif compile from scratch assuming Windows with nothing pre-installed?? C