Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By moodgorning
scratchrobot wrote:I installed the Sming framework on a linux server and made a little webserver to edit and build my code :D

Yes please if possible save us all a couple of hours and publish the code please. That would be much appreciated.
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By scratchrobot
#18826 I'm sorry i can't give plug and play code but this is what i did:
Installed the https://github.com/anakod/Sming on a linux server
Installed Apache webserver and PHP
Installed https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror to edit the code
The build button executes a PHP script that executes a shell script on the server

cd /var/www/html/Source
make rebuild

The 'Basic_AirUpdate' Sming example takes care of the OTA update.
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By tavalin
#18835 Apologies for being off topic a bit but I watched some of your other videos scratchrobot.

Could you share your circuit for your wall switches? I planned to do something similar as I have the same ones and I'm curious whether you hacked the current PCB or made a completely new one.