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By stavbodik
#53775 Hello ,
In my project i am using ultrasonic US-100 due to its low power consumption and price.

Now i came to problem when started to thinking about the product material design , This sensor is not design to work in outdoor environment , after research I made on the internet I Understood that there is no material where the ultra sound waves can go trough, But guess what ?
There is Ultrasonic waterproof products for sale.

My question is if any one knows which materials is used here and how the ultra sound waves can pass trough them ?

The products :

JSN-B02 (ER-SP0433B02)




I am about to get this materials and try them with the ultrasonic US-100 module ,
Will it work ?
Is there is any difference in technology used between them and ultrasonic US-100 or HC-SR04 ?

Thanks !