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By microcontrollerslab
#62656 I have design my first project using and pic microcontroller. I love this module. you can check my project here on this link: http://microcontrollerslab.com/-based-home-automation-system-using-wifi/

But I have used android app to communicate with this module. But I want to control devices through browser like thinkspeak and sparkfun servers?

Can anybody please guide me how to do it?

Last edited by microcontrollerslab on Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By trackerj
#62677 Invalid link now :

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By gdsports
#62687 I suggest exploring the use of ESP12 boards such as the Wemos d1 mini or NodeMCU devkit 1.0 with the Arduino IDE. Many projects can be done without an additional processor such as AVR or PIC. Adafruit and SparkFun also sell ESP12 based boards.

I recommend the use of the Arduino IDE because I am most familiar with it. Other languages can be used on the ESP8266 such as Lua (many ESP12 boards ship with the NodeMCU Lua firmware), BASIC, Espruino/Javascript, micropython, AT commands, etc.
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By trackerj
#62689 Hi,

I've done some, with ESP8266 integrated onboard. Of course you can even use it without ESP8266, just use the nEXT Bus (I2C) connector to connect it to your desired MCU board:


General Presentation and hardware description - Youtube related Video

MPRSx8 Home Automation Development Board works ok with Arduino IDE, LUA, ESPBasic, etc and is also fully compatible with ESPEasy and DOMOTICZ!!

See Video Tutorials below:

ESPBasic Driver example
Upload firmware using the USBPrg adapter
Firmware Upload using a generic USB adapter
ESPEasy Firmware configuration
MPRSx8 Domoticz Tutorial

Happy breadboarding,