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by Guillaume1 ¦ Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:27 am ¦ Forum: General Discussions ¦ Topic: ESP8266 NODEMCU V3? ¦ Replies: 0 ¦ Views: 1162

Hello. I have a problem with esp8266 NodeMcu v3. I connected the ds18b20 sensor to the temperature preview in the Blynk application. ESP does not connect to Wi-Fi on my router. When I do hotspot from my phone everything works, there is a connection to Blynk. Another ESP, the same ...

esp8266 NodeMcu v3

by DeonEva ¦ Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:16 am ¦ Forum: General Discussions ¦ Topic: esp8266 NodeMcu v3 ¦ Replies: 2 ¦ Views: 3127

Hello. I have a problem with esp8266 NodeMcu v3. I connected the ds18b20 sensor to the temperature preview in the Blynk application. ESP does not connect to Wi-Fi on my router. When I do hotspot from my phone everything works, there is a connection to Blynk. Another ESP, the same ...

... sites. For server based websites I personally prefer using my own as I can do what I want with it and it is not restricted by what for instance Blynk have installed. I currently have a website where I can upload environmental data and it is saved to a database and displayed in different ways: ...

... how to get rid of that please help Below, full code.... ''' #include <IRremoteESP8266.h> #include <IRrecv.h> #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h> #include <EEPROM.h> uint16_t RECV_PIN = D10; IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); decode_results results; const char* ssid = "ssid"; ...