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Re: ESP8266 interrupt and ISR not in IRAM!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 2:00 pm
by xorcz
Please close. Solution is to add
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR handleInterrupt();
instead of

to the top. It is working fine with this change. There will be this issue with guidelines written for board library 2.5.0.

Thank you

Re: ESP8266 interrupt and ISR not in IRAM!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 8:59 am
by btidey
Yes. The interrupt routine must be declared before the code that references it.

You can either add the declaration as you have done or you can just move the body of the actual isr routine above the code that references it.

Re: ESP8266 interrupt and ISR not in IRAM!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:30 pm
by xorcz
I confirm adding
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR handleInterrupt();
to the top solved the problem on ESP8266. Can close, thank you.