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By tomeko
#21649 Few days ago I've started using "weather station" based on ESP-01, Si7021 (temperature + humidity, outdoor) and BMP180 (pressure only, indoor). Firmware is built with CHERTS SDK package, although I'm preferring Code::Blocks than Eclipse: http://tomeko.net/other/ESP8266/native.php . This is simply combination of examples available in SDK and it looks stable (last few days > 99% uptime - including potential problems with local network, internet provider and HTTP hosting service where data is stored). My previous setups were using SHT11 (AT-based ESP-01 + AVR and earlier PIC18F67J60) and one remark I have regarding Si7021 is it seems to saturate with humidity more easily. When evening was rainy it stayed with 100% RH measurement until temperature raised in the morning while SHT11 seemed to recover much faster (both are protected from rain, with SHT11 I hadn't used protective cap).
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