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Verizon Hotspot Remote Management

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 8:09 am
by danadak
Had a problem where I need low cost Network, internet access, at a remote site.

Choose to work with Verizon 8800L as it got good reviews for normal attended

usage. Motivation was Cell internet only added < $ 20 to the monthly bill.

Problems :

1) Hotspot, if it lost power and ran batteries completely down would not boot all the way

into Cell tower connection. It would charge on power return (its permanently tethered

to a USB charger). It would put up a message screen to remove charging but not time out

on message and proceed to finish boot.

2) Once booted if still tethered to charger (installation had it this way out of necessity) that

activity would compromise connection drop activity, mostly stay disconnected from tower.

3) No "hooks" to show that Network was not up and take some action.

Initially I tried out a solar cell on display thinking that when screen powered up this could be used

as an indication it booted. But multiple message screens, when charged, but not connected to

tower, nixed that as a fool proof solution.

So I opted to use a ESP8266 running as client to detect if network was not up, and if not press

the hotspot button for 15 sec to get it to boot all the way. Done with el cheapo RC servo.

I also wanted, in continuing investigation of various block programming methods, use a GUI

based prog rather than write in C/C++ which is my normal path. So used Tuniot -

See attached screenshot.

So above is the solution. Quite easy to use, no manuals needed on how to build a client.

One additional system need, solving the charging/tower signal drop problem, was to

put charger on a timer. That allowed periods of time running on battery where

Cell connection quite consistent. I may mod project to use internet time to control

charger power source at a later time to get rid of the timer.

Verizon hotspot is 8800L: Makes for cheap internet, even after data plan is exhausted

(defaults to 100 KB/s). Cheap if you already have a plan for a couple of phones and

just add this. < $ 20/month if my memory serves. Solution could have been a router

but their upfront costs pretty steep for that.

Still not 100% bulletproof non stop computing design, I cannot predict all the screens

"hang" problem, where I would have to recognize screen and have ESP8266 respond

to specific screens, but so far seems to be working. One could contemplate using image

recognition but that would substantially complicate design. In short this is a reflection of

firmware SW design by Inseego, manufacturer of 8800L.

Regards, Dana.