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By miker
#19477 That sounds like the problem then. I followed these instructions:

- [Format] button
- open every .lua file, which creates a separate tab for each file
- edit ntp.lua and set your SSID, password and timezone
- select every file (tab) and press button [Save to ESP] (ignore error messages like 'not enough memory')
- select every file except ntp.lua and press button [Save&Compile]
- check your saved files, in the Command tab press [List files], you should have a .lc file for each .lua file except for ntp.lua
- select the ntp.lua tab and press [Run], the pong clock should start after 2-3 seconds
- if everything works properly, rename ntp.lua to init.lua by entering file.rename("ntp.lua","init.lua") in the command field, press [Send]

It looks like I missed this step:
- select every file (tab) and press button [Save to ESP] (ignore error messages like 'not enough memory')
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By miker
#19546 Got it working last night so thanks to all for the help. It was more difficult than I though. Had to get the correct .bin file on them, Save to ESP and then do a Save & Compile for each file one after the other. Have a Panic error message 50% of the time so it looks like some files have to be uploaded before others. No idea, maybe my hardware is flakey. I'm used the the Arduino AVR chips which are pretty robust and easy. The ESP modules appear to be much more difficult.
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By kubi
#19604 Congratulations!

I think you didn't do anything wrong. The Esplorer software is not really good. Sometimes it runs a script after uploading, which causes error messages if other files are not yet uploaded.

Keep on playing around wit the ESP, i experienced it to be quite robust. :D