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By eriksl
#21192 Yes that is possible.

A few remarks:

- You will need to add an RS232C line driver IC, the esp8266 uart interfaces using serial TTL levels (i.e. 3.3 V instead of -12/+12 V). There are special IC's available to do this conversion.
- Currently the firmware sets the "sleep mode" to "none". This makes the esp8266 react instantly without delays. It does however affect the power usage. I might have to make this configurable.
- I didn't test this operation myself (I use it to interface with atmega328p's using their UART).
- Parity operation (other than "no parity") not guaranteed, it looks like the esp8266 doesn't support it correctly (or I set it up wrong...)
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By eriksl
#21193 Coming up shortly (already commited): Support for driving GPIO's.

I noticed that the esp8266 is used by some people to program Arduino. For that they need to cycle the Arduino's reset line. So I've come up with GPIO support. I works like this: First you set up a GPIO (currently GPIO2 only, but others will follow, for those that have more GPIO's available), to be disabled, input, output, "bounce" or pwm. Bounce means that when it's triggered, it "bounces" back automatically after some configured time in milliseconds. Especially made for triggering reset inputs etc. One can also choose the bounce GPIO to be auto-repeat and create a flashing light.

Configuration of the GPIO's is written to non-volatile storage, so after reboot the GPIO's are in the right mode automatically.

Next on the list is PWM support on GPIO's and after that, modulating PWM. That means that the duty cycle is varied over time, i.e. a "soft" flashing light, or a light going on or off "softly", if it's not re-triggered. This is stuff I already have in my atmega328p's, so not that difficult te implement :D. I also have counter support in mind, shouldn't be that hard to make as well.

When the GPIO stuff (input/output/bounce) is ready (almost...) I will upload new precompiled images.
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By eriksl
#21247 I have created a new release "3" that includes the latest precompiled images, including gpio driving and "bounce mode" for gpio (for pulling pins from external IC's).

For how it all works, please read the README file.

You can download it here: https://github.com/eriksl/esp8266-basic-bridge/releases
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By DiogoBorges
#21521 In the last week I have tryed to use the code from beckdac. Only today I found your code. I implemented the FIFO buffers in beckdac's code in the same way as you do. Currently I'm capable of sending data at 921600kbps without stall the system, but I have to increase the FIFO_FULL threshold of the UART to 80bytes, otherwise the high interrupt rate drops the wifi connection. The beckdac code is very unstable during TCP data forward. The system hangs or reset frequently... I'm trying to find the bug, but is hard.
Today I will test your code and post the results here.
Thanks for this great work.