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Kickstarter: ESP8266 on Wino-Board

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:45 am
by Beroot
Hi to the community,

I started with ESP some months ago and built a wifi temperature sensor (the "Hello world" for an ESP).

Some days ago I noted kickstarter project combining the ESP8266 with an Atmel ATSAMD21. It's Arduino compatible. seems to be a very small but powerful platform for lot of IoT hacks.

If you are interested
visit the kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kr ... with-wifi/
or the wino-board homepage: http://www.wino-board.com/index.php/en/


Re: Kickstarter: ESP8266 on Wino-Board

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:09 pm
by alonewolfx2
good project. i think a little expensive but good :)

Re: Kickstarter: ESP8266 on Wino-Board

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:57 pm
by tytower
I see that the Atmel SAM D21E / SAM D21G / SAM D21J
documentation says
The Atmel® | SMART™ SAM D21 is a series of low-power microcontrollers using the 32-bit
ARM® Cortex®-M0+ processor, and ranging from 32- to 64-pins with up to 256KB Flash and
32KB of SRAM. The SAM D21 devices operate at a maximum frequency of 48MHz and reach
2.46 Coremark/MHz.

So they run at half the speed of the ESP8266 and have the memory capacity of the smallest ESP8266. So it looks like they add a lot of functionality but would likely slow the ESP8266 down . I think I'll wait for a faster chip to marry it with and in the meantime get the ESP working at its full potential . Just try bumping the upload speed to 921.600 baud instead of 115,200 and amaze yourself .