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By titusmc
#10619 Can anyone elaborate on how to set up a simple IR transmitter using irsend.lua?

For instance, am I right in guessing that the arguments are simply gpio pin number of the transmitter and the IR hex code to be sent? I have a simple IR transmitter hooked up to GPIO4 on an ESP-12 but can't seem to make it work... The IR transmitter has been confirmed to work with an Arduino.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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By titusmc
#10641 I am running the latest NodeMCU on an ESP-12 module and have an IR led connected to GPIO4 (pin 1 for me - verified with normal LED). Running irsend.lua with the power on NEC code of my TV does not work. Upon inspection using IRrecord on an arduino, the code is not properly transmitted by the ESP8266, but it works when sent from the arduino.

Can anybody offer advice? I'd really like to not use an external mcu for this...
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By Sailendra
#11946 @Sankar

I Used the code you shared @https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/blob/master/lua_examples/irsend.lua
on ESP-01 running NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150213. and on the other hand i'm using Arduino IR -remote Library @https://github.com/shirriff/Arduino-IRremote.

But I'm not receiving what i'm sending, Can someone update the code or if it is correct please guide me in doing it correctly.