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Re: IR Blaster

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:29 pm
by samprice
Writing a better writeup for the kickstarter that I have been working on.
The following code is what I used for generating the PWM.

while(count < length)
GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(gpio_no,1); //Set PWM Pin High
time_duty1 = time_count + duty_width1;
time_duty2 = time_count + time_width;

while(micros() < time_duty1){} //Wait on PWM High
GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(gpio_no,0); //Set PWM Pin Low

while(micros() < time_duty2){} //Wait on PWM Low

time_count += time_width;
count += time_width;


Re: IR Blaster

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:18 pm
by whats_up_skip
I hope this project can be completed and working properly. It seems an ideal application for the ESP8266 and should make WiFi to IR solutions much cheaper. I also suggest the title of the topic be changed to include the term WiFi to IR, or just WiFi IR Blaster.

Re: IR Blaster

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:18 pm
by ttyant

Re: IR Blaster

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:23 pm
by radiochild
I have tried this for a couple of days now and just can't get it to work. I am good at hardware but some of this code just goes above what I can get my head around. The link from Ttyant didn't help me at all. I have an ESP set up as a web page that has buttons that trigger IRSEND.LUA and a signal is send but it's not the code I feed it. I have an arduino running as a decoder and it shows the raw sent data. I have another arduino transmitting the same code and it works fine. I imagine it's a timing thing but I just don't get it. Samprice, where does that piece of code go and what does it replace? Would someone help me out with a functional version of IRSEND.LUA or explain in simple terms how I can get this to function please? I am happy to post my existing code or any other relevant information wanted.