The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By rab
#18749 I'm afraid I know nothing about the arduino idea, or what type of output it produces (does it make native code or something to be interpreted like nodemcu lua?) .

Just using the airport WiFi on holiday, not going to be back till a week on Saturday so further investigation from my end will have to wait, but feel free to play in the mean time and let me know how you get on.
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By loicus
#18750 Hi Rab,

(sorry for the previous double post)

it is definetly compiled, but I am not enough expert to tell where the irom is produced and more importantly where to tell the linker where to start in writing the ROM.

I'll try to dig it out :-/

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By rab
#20205 New version on GitHub which allows roms up to 1MB each. It can also memory map anywhere on the flash (in 8Mbit chunks). If you have an ESP-12 you can have 4 x 1MB roms now!