The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By rab
#26440 That's odd, should work with any sdk, unless you were just hitting an odd bug with that very particular version. I've been using v1.2.0 recently. Glad it's going fine for you now.
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By datasung
#26916 First I want to thank RAB for this nice piece of code.
I spend the last days figuring out the code for the bootloader and the
memory mapping.
I got the bootloader running and thought I was ready for the next step but
had a problem with the rboot-sampleproject.

I'm used the build my roms from a Windows environment with the use of mingw and Eclipse.
No problems so far with the projects I tried.

The rboot-sampleproject gives me the following error.

23:03:30 **** Build of configuration Default for project rboot-sampleproject ****
mingw32-make.exe -f C:/Espressif/examples/rboot-sampleproject/Makefile all
LD rom0.elf
build/rboot.o: In function `call_user_start':
C:\Espressif\examples\rboot-sampleproject/rboot.c:352: multiple definition of `call_user_start'
C:/Espressif/examples/rboot-sampleproject/Makefile:46: recipe for target 'build/rom0.elf' failed
C:/esp_iot_sdk_v1.3.0/lib\libmain.a(vector.o):(.UserEnter.text+0x8): first defined here
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make.exe: *** [build/rom0.elf] Error 1

23:03:31 Build Finished (took 1s.561ms)

As far as I understand this should be covered by -u call_user_start but it won't build.
( OS related ??? )

It would be nice if anyone could give me a hint.

Thanks, Datasung.
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By datasung
rab wrote:It looks like you've copied rBoot.c into the sample project by mistake, that shouldn't be the. Only copy in rBoot.h rboot-ota.c and rboot-ota.h

Thanks for the quick reply, not a completely wasted night after all.
I have a working example now and can continue.
My EPS module is to be build in to an Ikea lamp and I estimate that there will be a lot
of modifications.
So OTA firmware updates are essential for a starters.

I really have a lot to learn but I will get there.
Nice that you know your stuff so well .

greetings Datasung.