The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By Burak Günay
#10960 Hi ;

I have built a webserver that displays room temperature using a PIC micro powered by ESP ..

When a client requests a connection to ESP server on port 80 (HTTP) the microcontroller tries to catch the +IPD,<channel> string and learns the channel number to send data back to the channel with AT+CIPSEND command .. , BUT .... MEANWHILE , if , an another client requests a connection to ESP server and also if still sending bytes with AT+CIPSEND routine hasn't finished yet , the MCU misses the new incoming latest request made with +IPD,<channel> ... THUS when it is done with the previous client , MCU doesn't know which client is still pending on which channel since it has missed the latest +IPD,<channel> string while performing the AT+CIPSEND commands to answer back to the first request ....

So my question :

Is there any possible way that we can question to ESP8266 to find out which channels are still pending answer ... ?

Thanks in advance .