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Waterius: get watermeter value to phone (autonomous)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:07 pm
by dontsov
I made a device to get watermeters values on my phone or server.

- sends current values everyday
- delta values (per day)
- voltage
- e-mail by Blynk.cc (title and message template)
- data to your HTTP server
- values saved in ATTiny EEPROM cycle buffer (~2 millions cycles). "software ESD protection".

How It Works
Two chips: ATtiny85 in deep sleep mode. It counts impulses and wakes up ESP-01 to transfer data to Blynk every day. Chips talks by i2c line.
Power: 3*AA batteries (or 2AA lithium batteries without voltage regulator)
Current: 15-24 uA in deep sleep, 75 mA when transmitting for ~5 sec
Lifetime: estimated 4 year battery life
Limits: 4 impulses/sec
Inputs: 2 water meters

Thanks a lot for Blynk.cc.
Source code: https://github.com/dontsovcmc/waterius
Short instructions on Hackster