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ESP8266 IoT project not working

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:58 am
by Harnam
Hello everyone !
I am trying to make a esp8266 IoT project controlling the led from the web page.
see the attached file" led_on_webserver.ino." I used for this project
The following steps were taken:
1. Started server on port of esp i.e. port 255
2. Making the IP of ESP module STATIC i,e,
The message was displayed on serial monitor:-
WiFi connected
Server started
Enter this URL to control ESP8266:
the web page was opened and I could control the led from the web page

3.PORT FORWARD settings under my jiofi Router Configuration so that any access to port (255)
from external world is directed to the ESP Server port.
It was successfully configured to the address: and led was switched
ON/OFF from the web page.
4.Windows Firewall setting to allow port 255 for communication

When I try to access this webpage from other network, it fails.

PROBLEM: when I check the port with the help of " Can you see me website" from my lap top
it gives error port closed. I think it is because the espwebserver is connected to my router,
not through my laptop.
So, it means any request from the net will directly be forwarded to the ESP.
with the process like: Outside world server-> router -> ESP8266.

I don't know how to do this process. can any one suggest me to resolve this problem ?

Re: ESP8266 IoT project not working

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:03 am
by schufti
Did you use/know your external IP?
Maybe you are on IP6 network?
What does https://www.ifconfig.me/ tell you?

Re: ESP8266 IoT project not working

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:16 am
by QuickFix
Not actually an ESP8266 topic, but as @schufti hinted: make sure your router/modem uses IPv4 only.
Also add a port forward rule into your router:
  • Outside IP:
  • Outside port: 255
  • Inside IP:
  • Inside port: 255
  • Protocols: TCP