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guide on suitable open source well maintained framework

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 7:07 am
by aruneshdutta
Hello all

I am developing IOT based applications mostly using ESP-12E/F mostly for domains like smart agriculture,smart garage etc, I had experimented initially and had been using Google IOT. Wanted suggestion that is not dependent on any cloud like currently and will incur charges as well after certain data limit is crossed, as many IOT applications run without internet. Like researched and found tasmota, mosquitto.Currently installed mosquitto on LAN for purpose and using MQTT.Do suggest which are best open source framework for long term usage and that which provide reliable maintained framework I can use with my esp based projects

Re: guide on suitable open source well maintained framework

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 6:23 am
by rpiloverbd
I think the reason nobody has answered this question yet is, you asked for an 'open-source' and 'well-maintained' framework. It's a rare combination. I think Azure IOT edge can be an option.

Re: guide on suitable open source well maintained framework

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 6:37 am
by aruneshdutta
rpiloverbd wrote:I think the reason nobody has answered this question yet is, you asked for an 'open-source' and 'well-maintained' framework. It's a rare combination. I think Azure IOT edge can be an option.

thx..but tasmota is also open source in that segment how well it is for long term usage or any other options

Re: guide on suitable open source well maintained framework

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 5:34 am
by Luc Volders
Do suggest which are best open source framework for long term usage and that which provide reliable maintained framework I can use with my esp based projects

Welcome to the internet where nothing is long term.
Blynk was a fantastic open source framework till they shut down the open source version last year and now is a paid service. http://lucstechblog.blogspot.com/2021/07/blynk-sad-story.html Not only paid but also with serious setbacks.
Freeboard was a good open source framework https://lucstechblog.blogspot.com/2019/10/freeboard.html and that shut down too although the code can be found on the web and you can start your own server with that. (Going to do a series on that).

So if you need a long term service with no limits build your own mosquitto server using a Raspberry Pi. I have on running myself at my home and it runs on the humble Pi Zero. It will set you back just a few dollar (Pi Zero can be bought for around USD5 and you only need some cheap extras like a phone usb power supply and a usb-network converter).
MQTT bandwith is so low that you will not notice it on your network.
