The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By rab
#14768 Oh right, apologies - I was using the original Espressif SDK. I was vaguely aware there was a proper open source SDK out there but I hadn't looked into it at all (I think I remember reading it wasn't really ready yet, but maybe that was a while ago). Thanks, I'll have a go at moving my project to it.
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By rab
#14794 Well I had a quick look before work and it's certainly not a drop-in replacement like I'd imagined. I'd just got the hang of the network api in the original sdk, time to learn another one! I thought it used lwip, but with the apis renamed for some reason, but it appears quite different to the real lwip api now I look at it.

I'm confused. Why have they released two different SDKs? They only seem to very active on the original one even though it appears to be very non-standard and has some serious limitations.
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By j0hncc
rab wrote:Well I wasn't happy with switching to FreeRTOS because it doesn't seem actively developed or widely used, so I wrote my own simple mutex code (with some help from the linux kernel): ... r-esp8266/


Nice, thanks! I was look for something like that the other day!