The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By Chasen Peters
#19339 Hello All,

I apologize if this has already been discussed in a previous thread, if it has I havent had much luck locating it. I am currently following the tutorial found in the link below that is covering the IoT Demo example code that came with the SDK.

I have been able to successfully flash the device with simpler code such as 'blinky' and verify that the code was functioning.

My simple question is, how do I connect to the device after it has been flashed. The tutorial states that the module comes up as softAP but I dont understand how to connect to that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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By Chasen Peters
cal wrote:Moin,

it's an "AP" that means "access point" which means "wifi access point".
Take your laptop/mobile/tab and look for a wifi network called "espxxx" and connect to it.
The IP of the esp is the one you mentioned.


Thanks for the response Cal! I figured that would be the case, but I wasn't sure what the SSID would be. A quick scan of the nearby wifi doesn't seem to yeild anything that respembles espxxx. This could mean that the device was not properly programed. Ill poke around and see what I turn up.

Thanks again
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By cal
#19350 If you flashed different firmware on the device it may not have the same default behavior
and you may have to enable and configure the softap.

I found nodemcu an easy way to get started with esp in my wifi.
Burn it,
connect with a terminal program or esplorer
and enter some lua example to connect to your router or enable an ap.
