The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By 0ff
#2502 That's strange, this is the exact code I'm running on a module as we speak.
Cleanup is totally due, but I was focusing on other things just now.

What do you mean with the missing .h file? It's in include?
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By Fadi
#2587 off, I believe the definition of "HIGHLEVEL" should be 20 or 21 to work correctly.
other than that, thanks for sharing, was easy and straight forward to use.
I might actually replace my code because I was doing some testing and the main.c file
was becoming crumblesome :)
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By hansaya
#2616 I got the h file im being stupid and i didn't see it. Anyways i finally got kind a working.This what terminal outputting and im using GPIO13 to do this

Started temp reading!
Temp reading finished! success: 0, data: 0xffffffff chk: ff
Temp: 255.C, Hum: 255%

What is going wrong?