The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By ritesh
#35495 Hi,

I have started work on ESP-WROOM-02 Wifi module with basic and Wifi Related AT commands. I have configured my module as client and server which works fine without any issue.

Now, I want to create mesh network between different ESP-WROOM-02 modules which are working in both STA and AP mode.

Please provide me mesh network firmware as well steps to create mesh network on ESP-WROOM-02 module.

Ritesh Prajapati
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By Thomashillegom
#37878 Yes i saw it,

I want a mesh netwerk to, but the only thing i can find is the LIGHT_WITH_MESH app from espressif.
And so far, it did not work. (the only proof it is works is from espressif: ... 5268312064)

So do you think is a working demo or not?

